“It would be good if all young people would learn their culture and get involved.”

PEAK Scholar Award
Education for Reconciliation Professor Leason has been nominated for her work in Truth and Reconciliation. In addition to her multifaceted, interdisciplinary research, teaching and service that span local, provincial, national and international Indigenous communities, her education for reconciliation experiential learning exercise has been transformational. The exercise, which has been conducted across Canada has improved lives by transforming participant’s capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect for Indigenous peoples (TRC, 2015: p. 7, #62–63 iii); and skills-based training in intercultural competence, conflict resolution, human rights and anti-racism (TRC 2015, p. 3, #24).

CIHR New Investigator's Award
It was a case of under-representation that spurred on her current research project, for which the newly hired assistant professor in anthropology has just received a CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) New Investigator’s Award in Maternal-Child and Reproductive Health.

Women Warriors
Building Each Other Up & Healing Through Balance with Dr. Jennifer Leason, from barriers overcome in grad school through reclaiming and re-storying Indigenous ways of being, healing from intergenerational trauma.
UBC: Our Stories
Maternal Instincts: JENNIFER LEASON MEANS MUCH TO MANY. Mother, Aboriginal, researcher, listener, PhD graduate. She has been both teacher and student. She is an advocate for women, and for Aboriginal communities. She is an optimist.